Tuesday, December 6, 2022

"And I In My Kerchief, And David In His Cap.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Well, darlings, we tried to settle down for a long Winter's nap.  It was Friday night, and we had our usual evening--dinner, reading, then to bed and TV, to watch both "Judge Judy" and the "CBS News," after which we promptly went to sleep.

                    And that should have been it.  But after a passing of time, I was awakened by voices in our courtyard.  Rough, deep, masculine voices, and there, in the courtyard, I saw a bunch of firemen.  Now, don't get too excited, girls!  Because it was 2:15AM.  That is right, early Saturday morning.  I got up David, and he went out into the hall--no smoke, no one else ventured out of the apartments.  So, we came to the conclusion, and eventually discovered that the fire was on the other side of a building, emanating from an apartment reputed to conduct, drugs, prostitution, you name it!  But not male prostitutes, darlings; my God, not in Bay Ridge!  And in the same line of apartments as Dexter!  I believe Dexter was out at night, in one of his stylish coats, watching everything.

                     The whole thing lasted an hour.  I hope our friends on that side are OK.  Some windows on the third floor--probably #3P, are boarded up.  Get that trash out of there!

                      Girls, I am telling you, my beauty sleep was interrupted.  And we found it hard to return to that blissful state we had emerged from.  And, at 68, I have to work on my beauty.  Like every gay man, part of me wants to be Blanche Deveraux!!!!!!!!!!!!  You know, Rue McClanahan on "The Golden Girls."

                       That night was never the same.  To think there were hot firemen out there, and I didn't give a damn.

                         Except for the professional work they did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Have yourselves a blissful night, hons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. omg so thankful you were not hurt or displaced!!
    Another downside of apartment living; one careless tenant can affect an entire building!!
    My dream is Still to live in a highrise in Manhattan though!!!
    And don’t get me started on nasty neighbors, we have seen it all!
    The junk piles, broken down vehicles, blatant drug activity, unattended children, profanity you can hear from three doors down, neglected pets, tarps draped over roofs for decades, rusty tools on the ground, major appliances in the yard...

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, it was very minor. I have no doubt
    the suburbs have their share of nasty characters.
    I was fortunate that the neighborhood I was raised
    in, everyone got along, and every parent watched out
    for the others' children.
