Tuesday, December 6, 2022

My, Don't These Girls Look Stylish??????????????????????????

                                     I am telling you, even little girls knew how to dress, back in 1954.  Nothing like these tarted up tramps seen today, showing no one learned a lesson from Jon Bener Ramsey and that Patsy!!!!!!!!  Oh, that Patsy, I am telling you.... but that is for another post.  Or maybe I have written it?

                                     Anyway, just look how festive!  L am crazy about the matching white socks and Mary Janes, those curtains, that chair, and that tinseled Christmas tree.  Doesn't this just take one back....to where one would like to go?????????????

                                       For the more creatively driven, one could study these photos and then relocate a 1954 Christmas in your very own homes.  I urge you to try it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Wonder what these girls are doing, now?  And where????????????


  1. I was a sixties girl, but we looked much the same as this!!

  2. Victoria,
    Oh, yes, I remember this look on girls
    as a child in the Sixties.
