Thursday, December 8, 2022

Guess What Opened 68 Years Ago Tonight, On Broadway?????????????

                          Now, girls, I know today is the Feast Of The Immaculate Conception, and Mary gets top billing always--I said a prayer by her statue this morning--but I am convinced that in 1954 a couple of press agents had the brilliant idea to open "The Bad Seed" on this very day.  After all, it depicts a mother and child relationship.

                             Today could also be called "Bad Seed' Day," and those of you who have never seen the 1956 film, well, this is the day to do so!  It is practically a filmed stage play, with most of the Broadway cast retained.  And the newcomers are wonderful.

                               This film reaches heights of hysteria, especially when Nancy Kelly says--

                               "You hit him with the shoes.  You hit him with the shoes, didn't you?  That's how he got those half-moon marks on his forehead and on his hands.  Answer me, Rhoda!  ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  This even surpasses the hysterics of my childhood.  Well, almost.

                                Here is the scene in all its blazing, hysterical theatricality!  Happy "Bad Seed' Day," everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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