Saturday, December 31, 2022

Breaking My Book Record, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        As many of you know, my goal is to read 100 books a year. Anything past that can herald a record break, and this year I am proud to announce there is one.

                      For several years, the record has been held at 124 books read.  Today I moved a mere one book up, but still an impressive achievement......125 books read!

                     As December ends, my nerves get frazzled.  Can I do this, or not?  Well, I did, with some irony involved.

                    The irony is that 2022 began and ended with re-reads.  The year started with "The Witching Hour," by Anne Rice, and ended with "The Hours," by Michael Cunningham.  I assure you; this was not planned.

                     So, on to another reading year.  Can I top 125?

                   Check in with me this time, next year!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   As for what books I actually did read in 2022, that will be showing up on here, in the next couple of weeks.


  1. Victoria,
    Posting it is quite a project. I will probably begin tomorrow.
