Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Latest On Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I know that my good friend, Nicholas, is one of the most popular topics on here, so on this, the last day of 2022, I wanted to share, with all my readers, the latest news on him.

                                 Nicholas' owner told us he is only allowed to visit Nicholas on Sundays.  I would still like to know what that means for Nicholas, regarding the rest of the week.  But I can tell you that, tomorrow, Nicholas will be visited by his owner, who will be bringing some smoked salmon to him, and something that Nicholas especially favors--a jelly donut!!!!!!!!!!  In that respect, Nicholas is like my mother--jelly donuts were one of her favorites, too.

                                    The woman Nicholas' owner is living with, is patching up her friendship with the owner of the house Nicholas lives in.  So, that might pave the way for future visits, and maybe some from me.  I can only hope.

                                    Despite the worried look on his face, I know Nicholas will love his visit and his treats tomorrow.  He seems alive and well, and that is something to be grateful for.  Remember, this is a cat who can jump eight-foot fences and save lives--mine!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Tomorrow, darlings, let us all have a jelly donut, in Nicholas' honor!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Look at him; such a Distinguished Gentleman.

  2. Victoria,
    Isn't he? Nicholas is class all the way.
    Had a wonderful visit with Dexter today!
