Friday, December 30, 2022

Killing Covid, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         All things Covid have improved since the virus arrived in America in early 2020.  

                       Covid paid us two visits this year--David in September, and me in November, of all times, during my birthday, and Thanksgiving.  But, as my PCP said, with some help from him, I "sailed right through it."  We were so lucky.  Because we have sense enough to observe all caution protocol.

                        I re-connected with an old friend, at the right time--he is ill, but continues to do well, with support lent by many, including myself.

                       David and I were happy and healthy, really, all year, and enjoyed our evenings together reading, watching Judge Judy and the news, and listening Sunday mornings to Sister Camille.

                          We lost a dear friend earlier this year and had an experience I never want to experience again--a party with family and friends, the day before his assisted suicide.  I kid you not!

                          "AHS: NYC" was the year's biggest disappointment.  A disgrace both to the franchise and New York City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Seeing dear friends, celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, drawing even closer to each other....and these were a few of my favorite things in 2022.  Thank God for my David!!!!!!!!

                           Did I not mention BARBRA's Le Soir CD????????????????????????

                           Excuse me now, girls!  I have to finish "The Hours," so I can break my record for books read in a single year!


  1. SO many friends and family members lost this year.
    So much pain and suffering.
    Yet, as always, much to be thankful for!!!!

  2. Victoria,

    How right you are. These times are
    certainly tough. But as long as we are
    together, it does not seem as bad.
    The best to you and yours.
