Saturday, December 24, 2022

Darlings, I Want To Go To The Lake George Castles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Long before I became "The Raving Queen," girls, I was transfixed by the Hans Christian Andersen tale, "The Snow Queen."  Its illustrations of ice and snow, and the Ice Puzzles Of Reason fascinated me, especially the different ways they were depicted.  Now, the one I picked is glamorous indeed, but my favorite depiction of the title character was in this edition I had years ago of "Andersen's Fairy Tales," where The Snow Queen is dressed in this ruby red cape, with white trim, a ruby ring on her finger, and her white hair done up, as it she had just come from Sally Hershberger, which no doubt she had.

                        My first playwrighting project, in sixth grade, was to adapt this story, since our class play was about Andersen.  Whom I was playing, by the way.   The play is a tale in seven stories, so I went all Eugene O' Neill and wrote a seven-act play.  The teacher was impressed; unfortunately, none of it was added to our play.

                          But all that red and glamour foreshadowed that someday I would be a Queen!!!!!!!!!!!

                          So, if you spot me at the Ice Castles Of Lake George, remember to curtsey to me, Your Highness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I curtsey, your Highness!!
    I actually do a pretty spot-on curtsey, if I do say so myself!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I would love to see it. But I would
    have to find some Queen regalia.
