Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 There is nothing like a Victorian Christmas, so I just could not resist.  Let me start by saying that Santa Baby did not slip a sable under my tree.  Today is quiet, low key, and I am reading, trying to raise my year's total, which currently stands at 122.  And we may have a visit from Dexter and his owner; if it were up to Dexter, he would be here right now.

                                    We went to Christmas service last night--5pm, not midnight--and it was lovely.  Of course, we listened to Sister Camille's Christmas message, which was about doing kindness for people, which kind of coincided with my projected New Years resolution for 2023-- to reach out more to people.

                                        But to all my readers, I reach out, wishing you a very relaxing and Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The day has arrived!