Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Girls, Seasonal Tidings To Welcome A New Member!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Last night, before going to bed, I saw the follower indicator had moved up to 125, and those on here know that means it is time to welcome a new member.  Her name is Sarah Simkins, and all I can say is, I don't know how you found this blog, Sarah, but welcome.

                                      You've hit it at a good time, as December is one of the most exciting months on here.  And I have some exciting experiences coming up that I hope to report on.

                                        I am sure everyone on here joins me in welcoming Sarah to this blog.

                                        Keep coming back, dear!
                                 And, of course, no welcome would be complete without this blog's unofficial theme song--Deborah Harry, and "Call Me!"   Enjoy!


  1. Victoria,

    That is what I want--everyone to have fun.

  2. and Wisdom!!!
    and encouragement!!
    and inspiration!!
    and friendship; even tho we have never met in “ real life” I consider you my genuine Friend...

  3. Victoria,
    David and I consider you the same!
    Whenever I get an email or comment from
    you, he always asks and is interested.
    Who knows? Maybe someday....
