Monday, December 12, 2022

Some Christmas Fifties Style, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Girls, this could be me, no kidding.  Except for the hair, as mine was a little short; in those days, most boys were forced to wear crew cuts, and I was no exception.  It was like we were all being cloned, like the children in "Village Of The Damned."  But I had pajamas and a bathrobe rather similar to this, and the fireplace and tree could replicate my house in Highland Park, NJ.

                                  We had style and craft, then, girls.  Tell me, where has it gone?

                                  And why doesn't it come back?  How can we bring it back?


  1. ah, the innocence!!
    Speaking of which, do keep us updated on the Nicholas saga!
    Children and animals are so vulnerable.
    And the elderly.
    And the disabled.

  2. Victoria,
    You are so right about the vulnerability.
    As I get older, I feel it, myself.
    I will keep you updated on Nicholas as soon as I
    hear, I promise.

    Innocence...We have it, then lose it, then want it back,
    but can never truly regain it. But we can try.

  3. Indeed. It is the human condition. We’re in such a hurry to grow up, but then...

  4. Victoria,
    You are so right. I could not wait to get
    older, now I wish I had cherished more of my
    childhood than I actually did.
