Monday, December 12, 2022

Darlings, There Is No Reason Why You Cannot Bring The Fifties Back Into Your Lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             It's all about design, girls!  With those furnishings, and that hairstyle and outfit, dressed like Nancy Kelly in "The Bad Seed," you can be an authentic Fifties woman.  Hopefully, without the agony and hysteria Nancy Kelly undergoes in the story.

                               But then, as Norman Bates says, " We all go a little mad.... sometimes."

                              Doesn't that apply to hysteria, too?

                               What an exercise in style and design.  It makes me want to hire a personal assistant. You know, some cute young male thing, with brains?

                                  Is that even possible?????????????????????


  1. I guess I’m a little too old and tired; madness and hysteria are starting to sound like a lot of Work!!!

  2. Virginia,
    But one of the more positive things about
    "The Bad Seed" is that it is filled with
    fabulous fashion and home decorating ideas.
