Friday, December 2, 2022

"I Wanted To Live In A Carnival City, With Laughter And Love Everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                      Girls, have you heard the new BARBRA?  I mean, the old/young BARBRA, in her nightclub engagement, back in 1962, when she appeared at the Bon Soir. 

                        Darlings, I am telling you, not since I made my debut on Christopher Street at The Kettle Of  Fish, and The Lion, has anything come close to it.  But this--you have simply GOT to hear it.

                         If only my seven-year-old self, old enough then to appreciate BARBRA, could have been there one of those nights, sipping a club soda.  Or a Shirley Temple!

                          Maybe even singing next to BARBRA.  I would have stolen the show!

                         This is it, girls! You have simply got to get it!

                         For new, old and future Theater Queens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. “...the start of a long association that continues to This Day”
    omg doesn’t it give you Chills !!!

  2. Victoria,
    It makes me question... I mean from the start
    she was already difficult to work with, so could
    such an association last. Is it being suggested he
    was able to "tame" BARBRA? I don't think so.

  3. You know it!!
    The Original Diva!
    No one can out-Barbra BARBRA!!!!
