Friday, December 2, 2022

Svengoolie Served Up A Gem Last Saturday! But There Was A Price!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        "The Crawling Eye" is one of our favorites, and its "Hello, Dolly!"-like entrance is one of the highlights of the film.

                           Now, I still maintain David Korey is the worst child ever to assume a titular role, in 1960's "Dondi," based on the comic strip.  It starred David Jansen (hubba1 hubba!) and Patti Paige, that singing rage.  But when it comes to an iconic bit, the worst child performer is Caroline Glaser, as the little girl in "The Crawling Eye."  She is dumb enough to leave her ball and teddy bear behind, then goes back to the alpine lodge, where she meets the creature.  I am sure the director told her to scream at this point, but what comes out of her mouth is the sound of a bird choking.  Couldn't casting have done a better job?  This certainly did not guarantee Miss Glaser a career, and what should be a terrifying sequence is reduced to camp.  And bad camp, at that.  But we just love that Crawling Eye! 

                        But "Sventoonie" dug deep into the barrel's bottom to come up with an offering as awful as "The Beast From Yucca Flats."  This was made in 1961; I had heard of it, but thought it was from the Fifties.  Especially since it had Tor Johnson.  And l et me tell you, the actors in this film made the aforementioned Caroline Glaser seem like Meryl Streep!   Even "Eggah!" was funnier than this. And it had women in a swimming pool, and bosoms.

                       The above shot is as bosomy as the film gets.  Be grateful for small favors.  Though Sventoonie covered all essentials within his half hour time format, I have the idea that the film was not much longer, so we pretty much saw most of it, and whatever we missed is certainly not worth watching.

                           But kudos to Sventoonie for digging up this piece of trash.  I would never have thought of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Can't wait till tomorrow, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Bosomy lolz
    You funny
    Say a prayer for me if you think of it, today’s the funeral for my daughter in law’s father.
    He was my age, sixty one.
    Couldn’t get his alcohol issues under control.
    I know you understand how frustrating and devastating and tragic it is for the family and friends of such a fellow.

  2. Victoria,
    You have my sympathy and prayers for what you are
    going through today. Five years ago, my childhood
    friend since kindergarten, died of alcoholism; he
    was 62, back in 1917. Added to that, he died on
    April 30 of that year, which is my father's birthday.
    So, each time that date roles around it is like
    yin and yang.
    Prayers from me, David, and all our animal friends!
