Friday, December 2, 2022

My God, Look At That Furniture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                               Style was certainly in vogue in 1954, with those colors and those garments.  As one reader said on here, vintage Christmases are superior to what passes for it today.  I mean, does anyone know of the Nativity, the REAL reason for the celebration???????????????

                                  And those hairstyles.  I want the adult one, with that blue print dress.  Oh, how they knew how to dress in the Fifties.  Though my closet far surpasses Blake Lively's, it does not live up to the style standards set in my birth year.  

                                    Girls, I am telling you, you just had to be there.  The toys, the games, all of  it was the REAL thing, not what people are desperately reaching for now.

                                      So, enjoy this shot, and create some vintage memories of your own!


  1. We had a similar sofa.
    I guess we All did!!
    Good news, vintage seems to be resurging!!

  2. Victoria,

    I hope so. I welcome the return of
