Friday, December 30, 2022

The Two Saddest Deaths Of The Year, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           And both were British.  And, in true monarchial tradition, they went the way they should.

                           A Queen should always go first, and Elizabeth was true to form, departing this world on September 8, 2022. She was truly the Queen Of Our World, known and loved by all.  Even if I do retain some suspicion about the death of Princess Diana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           A Dame should go next, which is what Angela Lansbury did.  She departed this world on October 11, 2022, just days before her 97th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!  She had a long run. And she was ours, as much as England's, what with "Mame," Jessica Fletcher, Mrs. Lovett and her chilling performance in "The Manchurian Candidate," back in 1962.  She was truly the Meryl Streep of her generation.

                           But, really, darlings, these were the saddest deaths of the year.  How both shall be missed!


  1. they kept it Classy to the very end

  2. Victoria,
    They sure did. And the loss is as much ours.
    Class is vanishing quicker than I would like.
