Friday, December 30, 2022

This Was The Political Cartoon Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Shades of Lewis Carroll, darlings, whose inspiration we have to thank for this portrayal of America's most facetious Fascist!!!!!!!!!!  Alice's adventures would have taken an entirely different spin, had she encountered this.

                           How would Alice cope with Covid, inflation, homelessness, and, this year, the death of our Queen???????????   No surprise Wonderland seems so good to me.  My bets are still with Alice.

                             Praise the brilliant creator of this cartoon!  He/She showed Trump for the fool he is!

                              And don't give me any grief, MAGA people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh and ALICE is gaining popularity as a girl name!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I always like the name Alice. I had
    a great Aunt Alice, my paternal grandmother's
    sister. Her son, Paul Devilin was Chief Of Surgery
    at St. Vincent's Hospital, in the West Village.
    Which, sadly, is gone.
