Saturday, December 24, 2022

This Is The Night Of The Nativity, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Here we are, darling, it is Christmas Eve.  No, this is not an archival photo of the actual event, this is "The Nativity," as staged in "The Radio City Christmas spectacular," and, as I say every year, it is so moving when seen, I don't think the real thing could have been better staged.

                        Still, tonight is the most exciting one of the year for all.  So, however you commemorate this evening--and I still have this childhood belief that if I look up in the sky, I will see the Star Of Bethlehem.

                        Happy Christmas Eve, darlings, and health and success in 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. A Happy Christmas Eve to you and a Merry Yuletide!!!!!

  2. And when they saw the Star, they rejoiced with great joy...

  3. Victoria,
    I would have, too. If only the star appeared
    each year. But, to me, it does!
