Friday, December 23, 2022

Christmas Is Creeping Up On Us, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          When I was very young, before real sleep issues became a thing, Christmas Eve was my most difficult night to fall asleep.  Nat Cole in "The Christmas Song" muses, "Tiny tots, with their eyes all aglow, will find it hard to sleep tonight."  That was me.

                              I still feel some of that magic on Christmas Eve.  And this photo could have been my childhood home, at that time.  The fireplace set up is identical, as is the positioning of the tree.  The lighting is perfect.  What differs here is the log holder--we never had one, as the fireplace was never used--and on the right and left sides were white in-wall bookshelves.  They allowed me to make a lot of discoveries still applicable to this day.

                                When I look at this photo, I feel I am back in that seemingly more innocent time.

                                May all your Christmas memories be as happy as these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wish it were possible to go back to such innocent times!!
    Too much has changed in the last sixty years.
    I fear for my grandchildren.

  2. Victoria,
    Had I had children or grandchildren, I
    would share those same fears.
