Thursday, December 22, 2022

What Does One Do, When It Is The Shortest Day Of The Year?????????????????????

                        Well, girls, the first thing is to make sure you get as much done as possible.  The second is to be grateful, because, starting tomorrow, the days, slowly but surely, start to get longer.  It will not be apparent for a while, but, once it becomes clear, the sense of relief is palpitating.

                          So, darlings, if you have not done those errands, you do not have much time.  Because today is the shortest day of the year.

                             Do what is needed, dears, but remember.

                             You can always cozy up to a lengthier nighttime.


  1. hmm what did I do.
    Welp I took the dogs for a long walk, then stood around while my husband cleaned the gutters ahead of the big storm, then my neighbors car wouldn’t start, so my husband got his jumper cables and I chatted with her while he worked on her car, then I was on standby while my husband altered a top I had found at a thrift shop for five dollars, it was made for a more Bosomy figure than mine and needed to be modified, or rather modesty-fied, took the dogs out again, hung up some laundry, popped over to a neat Christmas light display, then had dinner at a little Korean restaurant!!
    Oh and we swung by the retirement community to drop something off for Mother

  2. Victoria,
    Now, that is how to make the most of a short day!

  3. Thanks that was actually an unusually busy day around here.
    More often than not, you can find me slouching on the sofa, Reading!!
    Which I know you agree is NOT a waste of time!!!!
    The joys of Retirement...

  4. Victoria,
    Yes, retirement and reading do have their perks.
