Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Is It Actually Possible For Anyone To Live In The East Village????????????????

                           I don't just mean financially, though that is a prime concern, girls.   And when I refer to the East Village, I am also including Alphabet City.

                              David and I often wonder about where to spend our retirement years.  After reading Tim Murphy's novel, "Christadora," in 2017, (and determined to reread it again) the idea of living in the East Village fascinated me.  And over the years, I have been there--for meals, social calls, movies, you name it.  But truth be told, I always found it isolating.  To get to any of my doctors from there would be equally as challenging as from Brooklyn.  To get to other places I go to--bookstores and such--would be just as difficult.

                                Same goes for the Upper East Side.  Much as I would love to live on Sutton Place, and though I would have the luxury of public transportation, it is still isolated.  Probably quiet, but not convenient.

                                    When I was very young, I thought the only places in Manhattan worth living were the Upper West Side, and the West Village.  And, you know, that has not changed.  The East Side of Manhattan I still regard as the equivalent of Queens.

                                       I lived there once.  I don't wish to ever go back.


  1. I have lived the last 28 years in Bucks County...New Hope Pa, and also not far from Philly and have loved it. I hope to return there again one day. I have had many friends in NYC...Upper East Side, Hells Kitchen, Cheslea, and the West Village....for years....but the cost of living has gotten so out of control, most have moved toward Astoria or Brooklyn, and now even that has gotten crazy. During the pandemic, they all but vacated Gotham, except for two that are hanging on. I don't know how people survive there, and slave just to pay rents, utilities and such from pay to pay.

  2. Mistress Maddie
    One sacrifices a lot living in NYC.
    You are right about the cost; we just lucked out. I see a time in the future
    when we will not be living there. By then, I will be too old for it to really

    Believe me, I have my NYC memories!

  3. Yikes I am sorry to hear that the outer boroughs have become hcol
    Why must everything be about Money
    Myself, I would be a kind, merciful landlady
