Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Winter Arrives, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Now we enter that period I referred to earlier, known as the Winter Solstice.  Today is the first day of Winter, and I still associate this with an old Bugs Bunny cartoon, where he would pop up out of his hole, change the tree-hung calendar date to December 21, declare what it was, then a pile of snow would drop on top and all over him, as if saying, "That's it, for the season."

                                  Sometimes it does seem like that, but most time the season is pretty sporadic.  I keep hearing of some storm this week to impede Christmas travelers, but David and I do not have to worry about that.  For those who like Winter, here it is.  For those looking ahead, well, think that Proserpina has reached her halfway time in Hell.  She will be back soon.

                                      Meantime, have a warm, cozy Winter.  Lots of reading, wrapped in a blanket, coffee or hot chocolate by the side, just being grateful for having a home on these cold, dark nights.

                                        Of course, tomorrow is The Shortest Day Of The Year.  Which means tonight is The Longest Night.

                                           Make the most of it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You know I Will make the most of it!!
    Yup I Love winter because I can be Outside, be as Active as I want without getting all sweaty and my skin breaking out!!
    So, magic flute at Lincoln center, for myself, mother, my sister, and my niece, the grand total would have been Eight Hundred Dollars.
    Who has that kind of money.
    Plus hotel for a night or two, since we live eight hours away.
    So, I suggested a different opera, A play, or perhaps a concert.
    This could still happen!!
    Would be so fun to meet you!!
    Although, I am NOT as interesting in person as I am on paper!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, even a night on the town and
    overnight is sky high. But let me
    know. It could be a blast!
