Tuesday, January 10, 2023

All Our Get Well Wishes For Sister Camille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    New Year's Day was on a Sunday, and in our house, that morning means listening to the weekly message of Sister Camille D'Arirenzo on 1010 WINS.  We heard her Christmas message, and her voice seemed a little off. New Year's Day, she was not on, and, of course, the station never supplies an explanation.  In her message last Sunday, she talked about having had a stomach virus.   Well, David and I are concerned.  Sister Camille is pretty strong, but she is older than us.

                                      I was glad to hear she recovered, and I want to send out a special get well wish to her, from all my readers, plus myself.  No one likes being ill, or hearing that someone they like is ill, so let's all join in with a special get well wish for Sister Camille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        She is beloved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Praying she continues to recover, to regain all her strength, and to be greatly encouraged and renewed!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Amen to that! May Sister Camille thrive to inspire us all!
