Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Why Does Mother Nature Look Like Tilda Swinton????????????????????????

                         If any of you darlings have seen these "EZE commercials"--"Cold-EZE" and "Defend-EZE--" you may notice the actress portraying Mother Nature is a dead ringer for Tilda Swinton.  Maybe, of course, a younger Tilda, but still, it makes me wonder--did they want to hire the actress, but could not afford her?  In any case, this new actress is splendid.

                           Back in the Sixties, in a series of commercials for Chiffon Margerine, actress Dena Dietrich played Mother Nature like a Long Island Housewife. Hey, it was the era, and it worked.

                             But I just love this colorful New Age-y Mother Naure.  And so colorful, too.  Just what our dark and gray world needs today.

                               I say, keep airing these ads, and give this actress more work.  She is a find.

                                And I know how to find talent, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Plus, the visual look of the setting is pure Lewis Carroll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Oh that was a Classic!!
    “it’s not NICE to fool Mother Nature”

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, one of the great commercials of that era.
    I think she also played in this Special-K commercial.
    She opens the door, greets her guest by saying,
    "Jennifer, what a darling maternity dress." Pause.
    Then, "Oh, you're not...."
