Thursday, January 5, 2023

Darlings, Why Don't We Go To Cultural Events, Anymore?????????????????????

                           Back when I first met David, one of the first things we went to was the Marina Abramovic exhibit at MOMA, where she sat posed in a chair all day, and people, getting in line, and oh, my God, the lines were long, would sit opposite her, staring at her for as long as she wants.  I am telling you, girls, at the time, it was THE thing to see.

                          When I started this blog, going now on sixteen years, I was all over the city, reporting on shows, events, readings, but now all that seems to have dried up.  I don't think it is me; I have not lost my interest.  What I think I have lost is my sense of security.

                            I can remember a sunny Spring Day when I sat in Tompkins Square Park, in the East Village, reading "Invisible Man," by Ralph Ellison.  Would I do that now?  I am not so sure?

                            Fear for my safety has encroached into my cultural life.  There is the fear of riding the subway, or subways if the destination requires more than one train.  The fear is the product of two things--Trump and Covid!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I used to instinctively know about what cultural events were coming up.  Now I haven't the foggiest.  No, I don't have brain fog.  I think the cultural scene has cut back, due to Covid and to a mounting disfavor of the arts.  They were always last on the program plate, but now, where sports and cars monopolize everything, indicating straight sexist White males rule, (and don't slam me; I am just as concerned as anyone for the health and well-being of Damar Hamlin) and the arts means nothing to them, not only because they don't get it, but they also fear going near it would emasculate them!!!!!!!!!!

                               As Lynn Carlin said in John Cassavetes' 1968 "Faces--" Oh, I am sorry!  Do we EMASCULATE you???????????

                                If Lynn is still alive, she must be appalled.

                                Please, can us culture vultures have our city back??????????????

                                Because, until safety is improved, we won't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Victoria,

    Oh, yes, we went to it. I did not sit,
    I just observed. I think the point was to minimize,
    as much as possible the concept of performance art.
