Friday, January 6, 2023

Today Is The Arrival Of The Magi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Next to Jesus' birth, this is the most important day of the holiday season, even though, sadly, it officially ends it. It is officially known as the Epiphany, but it is also called the Feast Of Three Kings, and, according to Victor Hugo in his novel "The Hunchback Of Notre Dame," aka "Notre Dame De Paris," it is called, in France, the Festival Of Fools.

                            So, really, tomorrow is when things really come to a crashing halt.  We put the decorations away, Krampus returns to Florida, but--and this is good news--Baby Gojira gets a new outfit, and I know he and I cannot wait to see what it is.

                            It was a lovely holiday season, girls, filled with beautiful and moving moments.  And most of all my David.  Now, all we have to do is make it through the next 353 days.  May God give us the health and grace to do so. 

                                And may all have peace and happiness in 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I wish the same.
    We just had another school shooting around here.
    At an ELEMENTARY school no less.
    Lord have Mercy upon this wicked world.

  2. Victoria,

    OMG! Are you OK? Your grandchildren?
    What is wrong with people.
