Sunday, January 1, 2023

I Told You I Would Return, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      It is New Year's Day, so a happy one to all.  I am representing the New Year Baby, as I am a baby no more, though sometimes I wish......oh, well.

                                       Right now, the slate is clean, and history is wide open.  Except for those of you who imbibed or got tangled into some of those Saturday night orgies that Martha's father used to have, in "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf." But then, he was the college president.

                                           Happy New Year, my dears.  May it be healthy and safe for every one of you, and may we all enjoy our lives this year, and reduce our anxiety.

                                              And may this blog be full of laughter and camp!

                                               Stay tuned, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yes, here’s to a brand new year.
    May the Lord Bless us and Keep us....

  2. It’s getting more and more difficult to be a positive, optimistic person when each and every occasion highlights the loss of more loved ones...

  3. Victoria,
    It is indeed. A friend of mine's father died
    on Christmas day, years before. It has tainted the
    day for him since. And April 2, which is Good Friday
    this year is the anniversary of my mother's death, Always
    a hard one.
