Sunday, January 1, 2023

"Well, Here It Goes, Kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            The year is getting off to a galvanizing start, in a good way, because this is the birthday of my beloved, David.  He turns 63.  We are going to celebrate with a dinner at one of our favorite places in Bay Ridge, Chadwick's, where we were supposed to go on Thanksgiving, until Covid paid me a visit.

                            Today, we are healthy and happy, so off we go.  I will be setting my goal of 100 books to read this year, as well as posting, eventually, all the 125 books read in 2022.

                               To think I have my 50th high school reunion coming up in June!  Well, I won't think about that now.  Wait till we get more into this year.  We are still recovering from the last.

                               Actually, 2022 was not that bad for us.  I wish the subways were safer, and people working would be more competent in their jobs.  They should be glad to have one, so they should do it well.  One would think......

                               Anyway, today is a celebratory day, and I hope you all celebrate in your own ways!

                             Remember, "Rosemary's Baby" had a New Year's Eve scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Happy Birthday David!!!
    You must tell me what you had at Chadwick’s!!!
    Right down to beverages and condiments!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    By now you should have gotten my email,
    so you will know.

  3. I sure have and thank you!!!
    You know I love the details!!!!
    We have been trying different Mexican restaurants, there are so many around here!!
    I tend to prefer pasta instead of rice but everything’s been wonderful.
    Such fun to try new places!!!

  4. Victoria,
    I love Mexican but my stomach doesn't.
    David's had a hankering for Indian, which also has
    the same effect, so I will just have to grin and bear it.
