Sunday, January 1, 2023

Some Leftover Business From 2022!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Girls, just when I thought the year was wrapped up, along came the biggest death whammy since Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, who died a day apart.

                      On December 30, at the age of 93, Barbara Walters, whom I remembered from "Today" on NBC, passed away at 93.  She inspired in so many of us, me included, to want to become a New York career woman, or something along those lines. And after I read her famous book, "How To Talk With Practically Anyone About Practically Anything," I was off and running.  Especially when she talked about dinner parties with Truman Capote.  It was what I wanted.

                    Now, the very next day, December 31, 2022, Pope Benedict VI passed away at the age of 95.  I suppose it was inevitable, and, as a leader of the Catholic church, it was fitting, in a way that his should be the year's final celebrity death.  I had no issues with this Pope; my issues are more with the church's organizational practices, and the burden imposed upon me by my family to be this ultra conservative Catholic, which I just could not be, no matter how strong my spiritual beliefs, and there are many.

                     But I wish Pope Benedict VI a safe and peaceful journey to his home with God, where he certainly belongs.  Like him, Barbara Walters was also a leader in her field.

                     Peace to them both.  They shall be missed.  Their like unlikely to be seen again.


  1. aww your spiritual beliefs are just fine; you do not have to submit to any particular religious denomination!!
    I attend a non denominational church myself!!
    I just read the Bible, pray in my own way, and try to think and act in a manner that is pleasing to God!!
    Some days I’m more successful than others.

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you for your support. I stay true
    to my beliefs, and honor things in my own way.

  3. You are welcome!!
    No guilt!! No condemnation!!!

  4. Victoria,
    Thanks so much for that message.
    I will try to honor it all year.
