Sunday, January 1, 2023

Something To Think About, Girls--Could Sally Hershberger Have Done A Make-Over On Almira Gulch???????????????????

                      Forget, darlings, for a moment, that Margaret Hamilton was a brilliantly talented actress.  Forget that she played an iconic role in an iconic film.  And that, in her Oz make-up, with the extended chin, nose, green face, and witch's dress and regalia, she looked almost glamorous.  Sort of a precursor to Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction."

                       Just, for a moment, look at the picture.  Everything about Miss Gulch screams spinster.  She is badly in need of a make-over.  But what could Sally do with her?  How much could she improve Miss Gulch?  It would take a tremendous amount of work, but how far could she get, considering what there is to work with.

                    Let me know what you think, darlings.  And if you can draw onto the comments page, I would love to see your makeovers for Miss Gulch

                     It is never too early in the year to think about fashion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It’s never too early OR too late to think about beauty, fashion, grace, and Transformation!!!

  2. Victoria,
    That is right, and it is possible for everyone.

  3. You know it!! Before pandemic, we were doing makeovers for the elderly ladies at the nursing home!!!
    I’d like to get back to that.
    they loved looking pretty and being pampered.

  4. Victoria,
    That is so sweet, and I bet the ladies there
    loved it. I know I would!
    We have a woman in our building named Claire Ann.
    She's white haired, looks like an ex-nun. She goes
    to the hairdresser regularly and prides herself on her
    beautiful hair. She is so sweet.
