Monday, February 13, 2023

Congratulations, Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Blake Lively is like my glamour sister, and Ryan Reynolds, face it, girls, is nice to look it, so I am happy to post this congratulatory message on the arrival of their fourth child.  This power couple really knows how to keep busy, and yet maintain their power.  How do they do it, darlings???????????

                       Now, I know Blake and Ryan have three daughters.  I also know they look to be as private as possible, and especially in the case of their three daughters.

                      Not to mention child number four.  Not even to tell us what gender it is?  Cone on, Blake, that will not impede on the child's life.  The world is dying to know, hon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Even the date of birth is a secret.  Except that it happened days before the Super Bowl!

                        Pregnant or not, Blake looks great.  How in the world does she do it?????????????

                        Call me, Blake.  My readers are just dying to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Come ON, Ryan and Blake, just tell us!!!
    We’re going to find out eventually!!!!

  2. Looking forward to your post on Elliot.
    And the suicide of Adriana.
    It helps to write about the sad stuff.

  3. Victoria,

    I am with you on Blake and Ryan.
    The Adriana and Elliot posts will come
    later this week. Already ideas are
    percolating in my brain.
