Monday, February 13, 2023

Instead Of A Birthday Cake, How About A Donut Cake, Darlings????????????????????????????

                                       I know, I know, from glamour to carbs.  Well, that's me, girls; the topics just come to me.

                                       Not that I am trying to compete with Sylvia Weinstock--I wouldn't dream of it--but the other day I was thinking about my birthday, even though it is nine months away.  It doesn't hurt to think about celebratory things; anything to get one's mind off this downer culture I am afraid we are spiraling into.

                                        What I have learned in my research is there are various ways to make various donut cakes--design, color, shape.  Some are pretty elaborate, but what I want is simple--a series of donuts--maybe half a dozen piled on top of one another--with some old fashioneds and custard creams mixed in.

                                          The problem is how does one keep it all together, like a traditional three-layer cake?  Is it done with toothpicks?  That might make it difficult to cut.  Some just stack them around a pole like rings, but what I want to do is merge the donut with the layer cake concept.  Would sticking some kind of cream between the donuts hold them together?  Maybe chocolate or vanilla frosting?  Maybe, then, it would be easy to cut.   

                                          It sounds simply wonderful.  And not as much to eat as a layer cake.

                                          So, meanwhile think about it, girls.  I will let you know how things turn out here in nine months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. We miss you Sylvia!!!
    We must stay true to our pact to Uplift each other!!
    This is a great way to lift MY spirits - whimsical sweets!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Indeed, and I agree that we must uplift each other.
    And I may indeed do a donut cake on my birthday.
