Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Happy Candlemass Eve, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Yes, girls, it is that time of year again.  The night the witches mock the rituals of the church....and sacrifice a virgin!!!!!!!!!!!!   Now, one may ask--where to find one?

                            First, I am sure none of my readers are in that category, or, if you are, hons, get a life, or maybe you should not be reading this blog.  It may be too racy for virgins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Just to be cautious, I would lock my door as soon as the sun goes down.  It can't hurt, because with supply so low, desperate measures may be called for.  

                                And none of us want to be sacrificed to Satan!  We are good girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Have a pleasant evening, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!