Wednesday, February 1, 2023

"In The Shadows, Let Me Come And Sing...To You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                          The winter blues are upon me, and how I wish life were a Busby Berkley musical.  Just look at that gorgeousness, girls!  Wouldn't you like to be a part of that?  I know I would!

                            Those steps, those gowns, would take away those winter blues fast.

                              Imagine, all of us assembling, taking our places!  What a tapestry we would make.

                             Sometimes, as this proves, it is better NOT to stand out from the crowd!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is Tammy Grimes wishing for those shadows!  So do I, darlings!!!!!!!!


  1. I’m singing it now!!!
    Busby, in contrast to his lavish musicals, was a troubled soul, I read.
    Married and divorced like, five or six times, alcoholic, charged with manslaughter in a DUI, attempted suicide,

  2. Victoria,
    Fascinating! I never knew what troubles he had.
    But look at the gorgeous work he was able to do in
    spite of it all. Rather like Judy Garland, whom he
    directed in at least one film!
