Friday, February 10, 2023

These Are My Signature Colors, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       That's right, pink, yellow and orange.  Let me say right out that the yellow and orange would be brighter than pictured, but this is the best I could do.  You get the idea, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      I try to incorporate this into my wardrobe, and pretty much succeed.

                     But painting is another thing.   I mean, painting an apartment has to be worse than moving!  You have to move everything, and remove stuff from walls, and where does one put it?  It is like being a clutterer or living on a construction site.  Hard to take.

                   Nevertheless, it has always been my dream, darlings, to have an apartment painted in these colors.  Here is how it would go.

                  The living room would be flaming pink.

                   The kitchen would be flaming yellow.

                    The bedroom would be flaming orange.

                    And the foyer and the bathroom would be......

                   What else, darlings?  Jungle Red!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Wouldn't this look fabulous, girls?  People would come to visit just to view this collage of colors.

                       Perhaps we could open up a tea/literary salon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      The late Rue McClanahan would LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I would LOVE it!!
    Imagine how living in such a home would lift your spirits every day!!!

  2. Victoria,

    Exactly! David already stated his refusal at
    breakfast this morning. I would be willing to
    accept a compromise---like painting just the foyer
    and bathroom jungle red!
