Saturday, February 11, 2023

Time To Welcome A New Reader, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Girls, a new follower has joined the fold--I saw the indicator this morning read 126--and it is time to welcome her.   Her name is Hermioneswich, and I hope she gets not only her wish, but all that this blog can offer.  This is a very special and fortuitous day to join this blog, as shall be found out in the next post.

                                  Again, I never know how readers find themselves here, but I am glad they do.  Hermioneswich, I hope you find this blog both informative and entertaining, as well as insightful; with all that has happened lately, some of my pieces have been rather self-examining and insightful. Topics and tones come and go on here, darling, as you will find out.

                                    So, girls, let's extend a big welcome to Hermioneswish.  And, of course, let's salute here with the blog's unofficial theme song--

                                That's right, dolls!  Deborah Harry, singing "Call Me!"


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