Wednesday, April 5, 2023

And Now, Some Promotion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

               As Mrs. Lovett says, "Bright ideas just pop into my head!"

             When "Sweeney Todd" was on Broadway in 1979, I saw it seven times, not only because I was blown away by the work and actors, but because it got me through a sad period of my life--my mother's passing.  Each time I went up the elevator of the Uris (now the Gershwin) I felt like I was escaping into another world.  I got Sweeney's torment.  And at only $20 a pop, it was easy for me to get in.  At the tender age of 24.

                If I see this production, I know I will weep copiously when Josh Grogan sings, "If only angels could prevail, we'd be the way we were!"  Because it will take me back to that time in my life.

                Now, getting a ticket to "Sweeney Todd" is ten times that, and nigh impossible to get into.  Partly because Josh Groban in the title role is making as big an impact here as Ronee Blakley did in Altman's "Nashville," back in 1975, playing Barbara Jean.  And all my readers and I on here just love Ronee Blakley as Barbara Jean!  Right?????????????????

                I have an idea.  Pre-Covid, David and I always made a tradition of seeing a Broadway show on Gay Pride Sunday, which this year is June 25.  I would like that show to be "Sweeney Todd," provided everyone is still in it.  Which could be problematic, as it is after the TONY Awards!

                 We shall see.  And I confess I have always wanted to play Sweeney.  I think I could sing it. Or the Beggar Woman!!!!!!!!!!!  What fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Now, I know Josh has been around for over 25 years, but what a voice, and, darlings, with those eyes and that beard, what a fine young man!  Girls, he is a dreamboat, so go for him!

                     But I have bigger ideas.  If Josh is the greatest male voice extant, why not combine him with the greatest female singer extant--Jessie Mueller???????????

                       Look what Patti Lu Pone and Mandy Patinkin did, I think the same might work teaming up Josh and Jessie!  

                       At least, give them a spot at 54 Below, to see how it goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Every Theater Queen in town will be there!

                       Including yours truly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. One of my all-time favorite musicals!!!
    I hope you get to see it this go-round.

  2. wow twenty bucks a ticket
    Add a zero, these days.
    I do hope you can go

  3. Bob,
    I hope I do, too. Tkts are expensive, and
    hard to come by.

  4. Victoria,
    Add a zero, and then some. Oh, for the days
    of affordable theater.
