Thursday, April 6, 2023

Laudy, Laudy, It's Maundy Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       "Monday, Monday, so good to me."--The Mamas And The Papas

                                        No, darlings, it is NOT about The Mamas And The Papas!

                                        Maundy Thursday, often called Holy Thursday, is a big deal, because a lot of things happened.  The Last Supper was held that night, where, according to legend, Jesus said, "Everyone get behind the table, for the picture."  Then he went to pray in the Garden Of Gethsemane. Judas came along and betrayed him, Jesus was arrested, and Judas went on to take his life.

                                           Yes, a lot happened tonight.

                                            But the idea of "Maundy Thursday" comes from Jesus, at The Last Supper, washing the feet of each of his Apostles.  That is some mob for a wash and possible pedicure!

                                             So, think about this night and what it means.

                                             And for God's sake, keep your feet clean, today, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I have never attended a foot washing ceremony, have you?
    The only ceremony my church does is Holy Communion, once a month

  2. Victoria,
    I don't recall a foot ceremony either.
    Maybe when I was a child.
    Back then, on Holy Thursday, my father and I woold go to mass,
    and at one point the priest would walk throughout the church,
    spraying incense. I hated the smell of it.
