Friday, April 14, 2023

"April In Paris, Chestnuts In Blossom, Holiday Tables Under The Trees, April In Paris......................."

                      And wouldn't it be lovely, girls, at this time of year to walk along the Parc Monceau, in Paris???????????????????

                       The songs were right.  April is the best time to be in Paris.  Wander through the Parc Monceau before taking an acting class, or whatever passion one may be pursuing.  This place is where one figures out what one cares about.

                        I would love to transplant--for a visit--to here in Paris, this minute.  But I would first have to get a three month--or these days more--reservation to Tour D' Argent, before boarding a plane, provided I am comfortable with that.  Which I am not so sure I am.

                         What I wanted was to offer you all a lovely fantasy to get you through the day.  My reference to walking along the Parc Monceau comes from the Original Broadway Cast Album of Maury Yeston's "Nine."  So, pull that out, and listen to it.

                            As for "April In Paris," here is Frank Sinatra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. remember when air travel used to be a classy experience!!

  2. Victoria,

    I do. It was beautiful and luxurious.
    Now, it is like a cattle call. No
    better, really than the bus. Only
    higher priced.
