Thursday, April 13, 2023

Girls, We Need To Be Wearing More Stella McCartney And Versace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Oh, my God, darlings, Spring is here; the time we go to our closets and assess what we have that is worth wearing, keeping, or throwing out.  After all, and I speak for myself, we are not about to be overdone by Blake Lively!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I am all about brightness and color, and as lovely as these offerings I found are, my suggestion is to go brighter and bolder.  Sizzling reds, yellow brick yellow, candy pink, and fruity orange .  That is the way I would go; but it is up to you to create your own design system.

                                            Stella is very "in" this season, and Versace goes anywhere, anytime.  You cannot go wrong with him.

                                              And if it is not too much trouble, I would add a little Givenchy, and Christian La Croix.  You cannot go wrong with those French designers.

                                               Cannot wait to see how your closets work out, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I do love my bright colors and splashy prints!!
    My sister says my style is “boho chic”!!!
