Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Farewell To A Beloved Neighbor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  For the past 11 years David and I have been living in our apartment building, Nancy Daly, our neighbor on the fifth floor of the other side of the building, was quite a character.  She would hold court on the radiator board in the lobby, and everyone who came through that door knew Nancy, her sense of humor, her outgoing personality, and her understanding of others. Nancy was the kind one could talk to about anything.   At least, that is how I viewed her.

                  Sadly, on April 13, 2023, Nancy left us She was 83, and had been ill for awhile..  Ever since, that lobby has seemed cold and empty.  I keep expecting to see Nancy sitting there.

                    Nine days later, on April 22, at 11am a Memorial Service was held for Nancy, which David and I attended.  It was held at Christ Church, in Bay Ridge, at 7301 Ridge Boulevard, not far from our apartment building.  

                      The service was lovely and heartfelt, and there were coffee and cookies afterward.  Had I known that, I would not have eaten such a large breakfast.

                      Thanks to all who coordinated this event and attended.

                      But most of all, thank you, Nancy, for the time we got to know you on earth.

                     May you Rest In Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh dear I am so sorry.
    I know it meant a lot to her children and grandchildren that you and David were there.

  2. So sorry to hear your loss. It's always sad and upsetting when anyone surrounding us passes on. Everyone adds something to our lives.

  3. Victoria,
    The whole building turned out for
    Nancy's service. It was very moving.

  4. Mistress Maddie,
    That is so true. Thank you for your kind words.
