Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Problematic Heights Players' "Lost In Yonkers" Manages To Rise To The Occasion When Needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 "I hate coming here!"

                                                  That opening line, spoken by elder brother Jay Kurnitz, alerts the audience that this is going to be a very different kind of Neil Simon play.  "Lost In Yonkers," his masterpiece, is never schlocky, but though fused with humor, is hard hitting in devastating ways.

                                                   The reason I say the production is problematic, is because some of the casting and actors are lacking in nuance.  Three exceptions are Nate Becker and Harry O'Neill, as brothers Jay and Artie. Their sibling connection is so palpable and believable the audience can feel it.  Ditto Alex Perone as Uncle Louie.  And Heather Lynn brings to life a character I had forgotten existed--Aunt Gertrude.  Kudos to her.

                                                      But without the same existing in the two central roles of Grandma and Bella, this play can fall apart, and when the actresses playing these roles began to go about their business, I feared for them.  Noelle McGrath did not seem embittered enough as Grandma, and Lisa Whitten seemed to go too far over the top with Bella.

                                                         However, in the two big scenes in Act Two, which are the play's heart, these actresses somehow manage to rise to the occasion drawing in audience members to this tangled relationship, and shedding tears for the two women.  Maybe the actresses were saving their energy for these scenes, which are strenuous physically and emotionally.  No one will come out of the theater dancing but will know they have seen a masterwork by a writer at the top of his form.

                                                            Which is why I wish this could have run longer.  I might have seen it again.

                                                             But I have a request--Celia Keenan-Bolger must play Bella in a Broadway revival.  Mercedes Ruehl was unforgettable, but the only actress extant I know who could do Bella justice is Celia.  Think about it, Celia.  And maybe Cherry Jones as Grandma.

                                                               When operating at full speed, "Lost In Yonkers" is both funny, heartbreaking and a master class in acting.

                                                                I commend The Heights Players for getting what needed to be gotten right here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. WE could handle some of those roles!!
    Neil Simon has been gone almost Five Years.
    Do you have a favorite of his??
    I might have to say Promises Promises. Or Sweet Charity.

  2. Victoria,
    I would say this is my favorite Neil Simon.
    I have always wanted to play Grandma. You
    would make a great Aunt Gert.

    I auditioned for the father twenty years ago.
    They told me I was too old to play Jay but
    not old enough looking to play the father.
    Now, I have aged out of that role.

  3. Oh yeah, I could do Aunt Gert for sure!!

  4. Victoria,
    You could do Aunt Gert. But it is hard on
    the voice.
