Thursday, April 20, 2023

Girls, Let's All Read With Jenna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Like being on anxiety meds, everyone seems to have a book club of their own.  I am still inputting the 125 books I read last year, and when it is ready, I will share that with you.

                           But, of all the book clubs out there, I find Jenna's (Can you imagine?  George Bush's daughter????????) to be leading the field.  She knows how to find literary fiction, not trash, some of her selections match mine, and when I see this logo, I generally go with buying the book.

                               Take a look at Jenna's picks so far for 2023--

                                1.  January--"SAM," by Allegra Goodman

                                2.  February--"Maame," by Jessica George.  This is on my shelf, waiting to be read.

                               3.  March--"Black Candle Women," by Diane Marie Brown

                               4. April--"Camp Zero," by Michelle Min Sterling

                                So, let's all Read With Jenna, girls!  As for reading with me, I am going to start inputting as soon as I publish this, so you can see what I suggest for everyone on here to read.

                                  Ta ta, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Yes, Jenna Bush! Or rather, Jenna Bush-Hager!!
    Her selections are surprisingly solid!

  2. Victoria,
    Glad you agree with me. I think of all the
    clubs out there Jenna's is the most literary based.
