Thursday, April 20, 2023

With Its Lush 50's Technicolor, And Stunning Set Design And Art Direction, Not To Mention Faith Domergue, "This Island Earth" Really Should Be Seen On The Big Screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Now, girls, I am not saying it is a film masterpiece.  Far from it, save for the craftsmanship, Faith, and the brain-headed mutants, who get little screen time, the story is plodding and predictable.  But the visuals, in this 1955 film, darlings, are stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Faith does not appear until 45 minutes into the film, and it is a long wait.  But it is worth it.  Every time a scene changes, she is wearing a different glamorous outfit.  There is a scene where she and Rex Reason, who is not too bad to look at, either tumble into a lake, and when they come out, in the next edited shot, Faith's hair and makeup are perfect!  Ah, the magic of Hollywood.

                             Universal must have spent a mint on this film.  Maybe they got wind of what MGM was doing with "Forbidden Planet," released the following year, 1956.   But their plot source was better--"The Tempest," by William Shakespeare.

                              I wish I could say "This Island Earth" had campy moments.  Its ending, though, is rather sad.  But the only real reason to see this film is for the visuals.

                               If only the Film Forum would restore their Horror-Science Fiction Festival in the Summer.  This film would be a prime candidate, darlings.

                                Oh, yes, and Faith offers her all in the bosoms department!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!