Monday, April 3, 2023

Girls, Spring Is Here! So, Remember The Importance Of Your Hairstyle And Accessories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I can think of no decade more fashionable than the 1940's, so I want all you girls--and guys--out there to arrange your hair into these fabulous styles, topped with the most cunning accessories, as with today's styles, they make one look like cheap prostitute, emerging from a back alley.

                                  No wrong-side-of-the-tracks girls, here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Sweeties, there is no excuse not to look your best.  So, I have given you some samples to peruse.  I am sure Sally, or whomever you go to, can turn you into a glamorous 1940's woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!  One with style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Perfect for the Easter Parade, this coming Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. So many to choose from ... and the flowers! Oy!

  2. Oh I know; I could use some flowers!

  3. I like the post by Traveling penguin, from last Sunday the 2nd about blogs. I decided to check all the blogs out.
    Ladies wore gloves.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  4. I'm a newbie here. Smiled and laughed about the hairstyles and flowers.
    Yes....gloves...must not forget the gloves.
    Paranormal John

  5. peppylady (Dora),
    Love the name Dora, thanks to Charles Dickens. Glad you found your way here. Drop by anytime.

  6. Paranormal John,
    Yes, gloves are extremely important.
    Thanks for the reminder.
