Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Girls, If You Get Up At The Crack Of Dawn, Always Start Your Day Like Anne Revere In "The Song Of Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                       When the church bells chime 6AM, and the camera peers through the window into the Soubirous residence, in the opening shots of the film, Anne Revere gets up, pulls herself together, starts the fire, and gets ready to heat the coffee.

                           Darlings, this is how all our days should start. Though not everyone need arise at 6AM. Or look as unglamorous as Anne.  Remember this was Lourdes on February 11, 1858, and all she had was some old thing that would do while she was starting to heat the coffee.  And she never bothered to put up her hair.

                              Which was a way of introducing the poverty of this family.  But coffee was still heated up, no matter what.

                                 A lot can be learned from Anne Revere in this film.  Like how to fix coffee, and how to fold laundry.

                                  Five more days till the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette."


  1. Myself, I do hop up Super early; I like to have a few hours to myself before my husband gets up!!
    And enjoy my coffee or tea, sometimes coffee AND tea!!
    All while looking ever-so-glamorous!!!

  2. Victoria,
    You are describing my regime when I was working.
    Up at %;30. go for a walk while the coffee is being made.
    Drink and read for an hour, then shower, dress, and off I went!
    Oh, to be young again for this!
