Sunday, April 2, 2023

Happy Palm Sunday, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   It is strange to call this day "happy," when it kicks off a week of suffering and sorrow, reminding us of what Jesus did for us all.  But the triumphant march into Jerusalem was happy occasion, so we celebrate that, and carry the palms.

                  And so the kickoff to Easter.  And yes, Passover in just three days.  Darlings, can you believe "The Ten Commandments" was shown already?  Last night, at 7PM on Channel 7.  A week early.

                  Make no mistake--the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette" will take place, here, as it always does on Easter Sunday, at 1PM.  Be sure to watch it and be moved.

                   So, a Happy Palm Sunday and Passover to all out there!

                   May this be one of 2023's holiest and loving of times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. No one believed what she had seen
    No one believed what she had heard

  2. Victoria,
    Indeed. But soon it was realized to be true.
