Sunday, April 2, 2023

Time To Welcome A New Reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Imagine-Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week, and the follower indicator is at 127, meaning a new reader has discovered us, girls, so welcome!

                          The reader goes by the name "Moss Hill," and the pic is female, so I am here to welcome her.  Moss, I am glad you found your way here, and hope you find things fun and informative on here.  You will certainly learn the value of camp.  And I don't mean the great outdoors.

                           So, welcome to this blog, moss hill, and feel free to comment on any posts on here.

                            And now the official blog welcome, with its unofficial theme--

                            That's right!  Deborah Harry, singing "Call Me!"  Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Welcome!! You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll think, you’ll learn...
    And don’t forget Dance and SING!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Oh, yes ! Lots of dancing and singing on here, too!
