Saturday, April 15, 2023

I Told You, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Camelot" Got Uniformly Bad Reviews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Remember, darlings, you heard it first here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Let's start with this photo.  My guess is it is Phillipa Soo singing "The Lusty Month Of May."  But, really, can she match Julie Andrews????????????  Can anyone??????????  Of course not!

                               And doesn't this image look cheesy?  More like "The Wicker Man!"

                             Well, Aaron Sorkin was determined to take all the "magic" out of "Camelot," and that is what he has done.  I really don't care about the book; why anyone goes to see this is for the glorious score--just like with 'Merrily' and "RAGS."  And I fear the score has been tampered with.  I mean, Lancelot singing "I Loved You Once In Silence?"  Doesn't Guinevere at least get a reprise of it? 

                           So, God knows what has been done with the rest of the show now it has been "Sorkinized!"   Mr. Sorkin and Lin- Manuel Miranda are jointly destroying American Musical Theater, and I am here to tell them to stop.

                              No revival of "Camelot" in my lifetime has been received well or reaped financial gain.  I see no exception to that rule with this.

                               Lincoln Center Theater needs to get its act together, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And for who wish to hear the REAL "Camelot," listen to the Original Broadway Cast Album, with an unbeatable array of performers--Richard Burton, Julie Andrews, Robert Goulet, and Roddy McDowall.

                              So few we can count among their equals, today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I’m not too surprised, he takes the magic out of pretty much Everything

  2. With Lin-Manuel Miranda involved.....I'm surprised the whole thing wasn't done in 'rap'. I'll pass on most of the new stuff. Unlistenable as far as I'm concerned.
    Paranormal John
