Saturday, April 15, 2023

It May Not Be Happy....But Today Is The Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         This is the date everyone uniformly hates.  I know the extension goes to the 18th, or a Monday, when it falls on a weekend, but let's face it--anyone who hasn't done a thing by now is screwed!

                        Despite technology, I bet the post offices are still filled with people at 11;55PM tonight, kneeling on the floor, desperately doing their taxes.  They either suffer from desperation or they get off on it.  I can't understand it, because my goal is to get all this over with ASAP, so I can go on and live my life.

                           When technology was not so prevalent, news stories at 11PM would show people in the post office on the floor, filling out forms, and I would laugh.  How foolish!  How stupid!  Why would they do such a thing?

                              But they still do.

                                    More people should be like "Uncle Pennybags," the master of Parker Brothers' game, "Monopoly."  Or everyone should have a "Rich Uncle," like him, which was a subsidiary game. manufactured by Parker Brothers.

                                      Pay up, everyone!!!!!!!!!  And then, move on with your lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Meaning why waste time better applied to other things, just because you feel it is easier to hang it over your heads, when it is not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Don't get me started, hons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. exactly. Just get it DONE already

  2. Victoria,
    I don't know why people procrastinate on something
    so important. On "The Odd Couple" TV show, Felix
    (Tony Randall) said he always got it done by
    January 2. If only we could!
