Friday, May 26, 2023

Girls, I Can Hardly Keep Up With My Own Schedule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          So much is going on, darlings, that I can hardly keep up.  Let's take a look at what is ahead for me.

                  Fleet Week--Anchors Aweigh, darlings!  The sailors are in town and that means doing one's patriotic duty by showing them a good time in NYC.  Bring a sailor home for a home cooked meal!
But guess who is going to be dessert???????????????????????

                     "Svengoolie--" Darlings, everyone on here knows it is the highlight of our Saturday night. But to end the month of May, he is showing 1959's "The Killer Shrews," which we have seen twice and don't desire to a third time.  For those not in the know, this is the one starring Sidney Lumet's father, set on an isolated island with killer dogs done up in some kind of wolf masks.  Some crap is worth watching only once, and this is an example.  As a substitute, we will watch what we missed last week--1972's "The Thing With Two Heads," starring Ray Milland and Rosie Grier.  It should be a riot, so join us, Baby Gojira and company, for this special screening.  Who knows; if we have to do this a third time, this could be the beginning of a habit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          This Sunday, accompanied by a friend, David and I are going to see the musical--Yes, it is a musical!!!!!!--"Something Rotten" at the Fort Hamilton Army Base Theatre.  The company putting it on is The Narrows Community Players, who do excellent work.  This had a brief run on Broadway, was a respectable, if not blockbuster hit, so I am curious to see how the show plays out.  I will be sure to let all my girls know.

                     Are You Ready For The Summer?--Technically it begins at 5PM today but is initiated in on Monday with Memorial Day.  No, dears, our plans are not as hedonistic as the above; in fact, we are divided on those plans.  I would love to go to the IFC Monday and catch an afternoon screening of David Lynch's 1986 classic "Blue Velvet," but I think David has an idea for something more social.  We have the Lynch film on DVD but have not screened it to see what shape it is in--I picked it up off an apartment stoop outdoors in our neighborhood--and you know how I feel about seeing favorite films on the big screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      As if this is not enough, then--
                     A week from tomorrow--Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!--is my 50th high school reunion!  A surreal return to the past, where there will be people I am anxious to see, and those I am not so anxious to see. The latter know who they are so, a word to the wise, do not come near me!  Thank God David will be with me to see whole thing through.  It is just one weekend out of my life, and then it will be gone!  But my hair, what will I wear??????????????????????????

                    After that, I will take a breather.  Oh, I will still post, but outside of some doctor appointments in June, we have nothing planned.

                       How on earth does ANNA do it????????????????????????


  1. Oh boy it's been ages since I've seen the Killer shrews!

    And don't get me started on Fleet Week dear. I used to partake of fleet week when most of my friends lived in the city. I just only started walking upright again 2 years ago...and got rid of that pesky lock jaw.But the Sailors all themed pleased and happy when they left.

  2. Funny you included the Meatballs poster; I’ve never seen it but Family Guy did a joke on it!!
    I have never been to a class reunion, never received an invitation to one.
    Not that I would go; too many Mean Girls back then, who made my life hell!!
    I have moved on, no need to revisit!!!
    Forgive, then go on to live a Fabulous Life!!!!

  3. Mistress Maddie,
    "The Killer Shrews" will provide you with a look at the ridiculous.
    It has moments of camp and humor, but it is a slow moving film.

    As for Fleet Week, oh, darling, those were the days! I always did
    my patriotic best, but I was young, then, and good grief, staying in
    one position for too long might cramp strained muscles.

    Still, it is nice to see the men in white, with their VPLs--visilbe
    panty lines.

  4. Victoria,
    This reunion is really making me nervous.
    I almost wish I could not go, but too many arrangements
    have been made. We are staying at the house of a former
    classmate, and I would not want to hurt her feelings.
